Download Matrice RACF Standard formato .pdf Smartgustent Ver. 3.3

Sicurezza e Riservatezza

La sicurezza e la riservatezza dei dati di un sistema di analisi sensoriale, è un tema solitamente trattato dagli altri sistemi in termini di metodi e metodologie. Difficilmente si trovano blocchi e filtri ad esempio per stabilimento, prodotti, test etc.. e ancor più difficilmente si trovano combinati tra di loro. Es. Per il profilo xxxx faggiamo vedere solo i tipi di test T1, T2, T3, per i prodotti P1, P2, P3 negli stabilimenti S1, S2, S3 ...
Il sistema di profilazione di smart gustent permette di gestire da un unica interfaccia
° CHI PUO VEDERE Determinato dalla profondità della alberatura dei profili, in cui il livello soprastante può vedere le sessioni dei livelli sottostanti
° COSA SI PUO FARE Il sistema ha integrato un meccanismo di profilazione e gestione dei diritti a grana fine nella versione 3.3 sono presenti 179  Grant di cui al dettaglio


Ogni elemento/funzione può essere sottoposta a grant

Una caratteristica pressochè unica di Smart Gustent è quella di poter trasformare ogni elemento presente a video, in un oggetto da sottoporre a grant. Un utente dotato di grant, si posiziona con il mouse sull'oggetto, appare un tool tip con un link e cliccandolo è possibile decidere quale grant associare e/o creare una nuova grant.

Profilazione a grana fine parametrizzabile

Elenco delle Grants Ver. 4.5

Da Amministrazione

Le grant di tipo amministrativo vengono gestite dal sistema e implementate nel codice

[] ADMINISTRATION Smart Gustent Administrator
[] ADMINISTRATION Edit Online Grant and Translate
[] ADMINISTRATOR Force Rule change status session for test_type
[] ADMINISTRATION Profile under your position Manage
[] ADMINISTRATION Profile Add User
[] ADMINISTRATION Translator User
[] ADMINISTRATION View all user
[] ADMINISTRATION himself GROUP (user=in Group)
[] ADMINISTRATION View Only Taster
[] ADMINISTRATION Edit himself Taster/User
[] ADMINISTRATION Factory/Buid/Site
[] ADMINISTRATION Package/Format
[] ADMINISTRATION View All Factory
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Profile Himself Group
[] ADMINISTRATION Test Session Manage Closed
[] ADMINISTRATION Test Session Manage ALL Status
[] ADMINISTRATION Edit NoWork for Sub User
[] ADMINISTRATION Calculation Mode
[] ADMINISTRATION Edit all Test/Experiment
[] ADMINISTRATION Session Status Change FORCE
[] ADMINISTRATION Product Version flag disable Manage
[] ADMINISTRATION View Disabled Family, Product, Product Version
[] ADMINISTRATION View Disable Test/Experiment
[] ADMINISTRATION Delivery Mode Table
[] ADMINISTRATION Justify Session Tables presences and absences
[] ADMINISTRATION View All Department
[] ADMINISTRATION Copy Grant Profile
[] ADMINISTRATION Copy Permission Profile
[] ADMINISTRATION Session Test Change Status
[] ADMINISTRATION Session Test Close/Archivied Session
[] ADMINISTRATION Session Test Delete/Disable
[] ADMINISTRATION Document Navigator Level Add
[] ADMINISTRATION Document Navigator Level Grant factory/site/project
[] ADMINISTRATION Document Navigator Level Update
[] ADMINISTRATION Document Navigator Grant Profile
[] ADMINISTRATION User Manage Password
[] ADMINISTRATION Trainings Table
[] ADMINISTRATION Delivery Table
[] ADMINISTRATION Taster Disable Table
[] ADMINISTRATION Producer Table
[] ADMINISTRATION Department Table
[] ADMINISTRATION Report Associate to Profile
[] ADMINISTRATION Template Email
[] ADMINISTRATION Laboratory Menu / Manage
[] ADMINISTRATION Profile set/create as template profile
[] ADMINISTRATION View All Product
[] ADMINISTRATION View all Product Version
[] ADMINISTRATION View Test Session completed in Execution
[] ADMINISTRATION Create/Edit GLOABAL PANEL & Manage all Panel
[] ADMINISTRATION Renable - Disable single taster session in session in execution
[] ADMINISTRATION Change Level at Taster
[] ADMINISTRATION Change Payment for a Taster
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Broadcast Message
[] ADMINISTRATION Add product version to Test/Experiment and Viceversa
[] ADMINISTRATION View All User in My Panel
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Answer in Session
[] ADMINISTRATION Justify ALL Session presences and absences
[] ADMINISTRATION View detail Session in NoWork Screen
[] ADMINISTRATION NoWork Auto justify
[] ADMINISTRATION Type project table
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Himself Group User
[] ADMINISTRATION use Execution session status
[] ADMINISTRATION Translate Any Test
[] ADMINISTRATION Extractor Data Warehouse
[] ADMINISTRATION Expand data entry
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Email in Profile
[] ADMINISTRATION Fuse product Version
[] ADMINISTRATION Move product in product navigator
[] ADMINISTRATION Move product version in product navigator
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Help Descriptor
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Time Zone
[] ADMINISTRATION View Suspended user/taster
[] ADMINISTRATION Copy taster from another session
[] ADMINISTRATION Use Add Field in Magic Search
[] ADMINISTRATION Permitted Exclude Attribute in Test Session
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Preference and Exclusion Product for taster
[] ADMINISTRATION View Outliers in session User
[] ADMINISTRATION Manger User Status in Session Terminated
[] ADMINISTRATION Manger User Status in Session Closed
[] ADMINISTRATION Justify Any status
[] ADMINISTRATION Manual HOST Istruction / Part
[] ADMINISTRATION View allergy detail in edittaster
[] Product Create
[] Product Update
[] Product Delete
[] ADMINISTRATION Change report taster Feedback in single session
[] ADMINISTRATION Search session from default page
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Panel Share Taster
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Panel From Preference and Training
[] ADMINISTRATION Move Sub Family in product navigator
[] ADMINISTRATION Move Market (Sub Sub Family )in product navigator
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Product Version Multi Property
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage CDC in Profile
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage CDC for Factory/Site
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage TEST Multi Property
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable search product in product navigator
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable link between session
[] ADMINISTRATION Add product version to TEST
[] ADMINISTRATION Change Property/Owner to Taster/User
[] ADMINISTRATION Open HelpDesk request / Ticket
[] ADMINISTRATION use massive email
[] ADMINISTRATION Actualize Test Session
[] ADMINISTRATION Check Panelist in Session User
[] ADMINISTRATION Send massive email for Panelist
[] ADMINISTRATION manage special Family
[] ADMINISTRATION manage Block
[] ADMINISTRATION Nutraceutical info
[] ADMINISTRATION Config Block Detail
[] ADMINISTRATION Clear GPDR in Edit Taster
[] ADMINISTRATION view deleted/cancel user/taster
[] ADMINISTRATION View Work day (friday,saturday,sunday)
[] ADMINISTRATION view manage Calendar for Profile
[] ADMINISTRATION Edit Welcome Page in Session
[] ADMINISTRATION View Default Taster Separator
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable Mode Sesion
[] ADMINISTRATION Use Booking Functionality
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Session Mode
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Session Bookable Mode
[] ADMINISTRATION View Back Calendar
[] ADMINISTRATION Transform profile to bookable
[] ADMINISTRATION Include Description not excludable
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable statistics Console for single session PRJSTAT
[] ADMINISTRATION Use Console Statistics from extractor filter PRJSTAT
[] ADMINISTRATION Use Console Statistics Functionality PRJSTAT
[] ADMINISTRATION manage grants for Console Statistics analisys PRJSTAT
[] ADMINISTRATOR Enable basket in test session
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Basket list
[] ADMINISTRATION Change Owner to Basket
[] ADMINISTRATION manage single PRJ_STAT Script
[] ADMINISTRATION manage product version variant list
[] ADMINISTRATION view product version variant list
[] ADMINISTRATION use product version variant list
[] ADMINISTRATION Create Open Session (only QDA, Monadic, Duo Trio, Triangle, 2/5, CATA)
[] ADMINISTRATION Use FLAG_LABORATORY in sessione N.B. if not set session votable from any device
[] ADMINISTRATION View User/Taster Diary
[] ADMINISTRATOR Change Sample code
[] ADMINISTRATION Create optional descriptor in test
[] ADMINISTRATOR Hide Sample code
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable Prepare Sample Module
[] ADMINISTRATION Confirm Sample Preparation
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable Extended User/Panelist Attribute
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Precode Note
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Correct Field in test Creation
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Content and document in Welcome Page
[] ADMINISTRATION Copy Test Attribute from Other Test
[] ADMINISTRATOR View all analisys in console Statistics
[] ADMINISTRATOR Disable Descriptor in single Test
[] ADMINISTRATION Change Scale To in single session
[] ADMINISTRATOR Manage Print report even if not minimum tasters in session / Change Min Taster
[] ADMINISTRATION Use Invite profile in test session
[] ADMINISTRATION Print Empty Test OCR and Standard Mode
[] ADMINISTRATION Delete Item Liste
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage All Profile Extended Property and Exceptions
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable Panel Leader View CHAT
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable write panel leader to write in the CHAT
[] ADMINISTRATION enable panelist to use CHAT
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage force type_test, test_type in edit Test
[] ADMINISTRATION Show Taster Log Answer
[] ADMINISTRATION Use Send BI Flag in Single Test Session
[] ADMINISTRATION Set Pillar in Product Version
[] ADMINISTRATION Set Taste in Product Version
[] ADMINISTRATION set SubClass in Product
[] ADMINISTRATOR Show Exception Status for single session
[] ADMINISTRATION Use default Factory
[] ADMINISTRATION Use default Package
[] ADMINISTRATION Use default Producer
[] ADMINISTRATION Create Console Statistics Report
[] ADMINISTRATOR Panelist use Statistics console report
[] ADMINISTRATOR View Alert in session navigator
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable "Chek Taster" in edit user
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable chek rule for test in session navigator
[] ADMINISTRATOR Mark Allergy/Intollerance/Ethics in profile management
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Owner Profile in Training
[] ADMINISTRATION Manage Allergene Intollerance ethic by profile
[] ADMINISTRATION Enable ADD GROUP in edit Profile
[] ADMINISTRATION Change Property in Edit Session
[] ADMINISTRATION IDProfile associated for selected product preference.
[] PAGE Session Test Edit Detail

Funzionale / Libere

Sono le grant utilizzabili su qualsivoglia oggetto che viene visualizzato a video, e che l'amministratore può decidere di "portare" sotto grant

[] PAGE Test Update
[] Taster Create
[] Taster Update
[] Taster Delete
[] PAGE Session Test Insert Data in
[] PAGE Session test edit/manage taster
[] PAGE Session Test Select Taster
[] PAGE Profile Manage
[] PAGE Taster / User Navigator
[] Family Product Add & Manage
[] PAGE Allegern Page
[] Allergen Add
[] PAGE Product Navigator
[] Profile Report
[] Grants Add Item
[] Family Manage Global Attach
[] Family View Global Attach
[] Product Print & Analisys
[] PAGE Session Navigator
[] Family Add (from product navigator)
[] Laboratory Configure Terminal
[] Product Create from UC_Control
[] Family Edit from UC_Control
[] Product Version Edit from UC_Control
[] Product Version Disable/Delete from UC_Control
[] Test Type Edit from UC_Control
[] Test Add from UC_Control
[] Test Type Disable/Delete from UC_Control
[] Session Test Add from UC_Control
[] PAGE Test Navigator
[] Panel Create
[] Panel Update
[] PAGE Panel Menu
[] PAGE Test Type Menu
[] Profile Display Only Group
[] PAGE Attribute Menu
[] PAGE Resource Manage
[] PAGE List manage / menu
[] List add new list
[] List add new item at exist list
[] PAGE Product Page
[] PAGE Product Version Edit Page
[] PAGE Session Clone
[] Profile Reload Profile/Parameter/Grant
[] PAGE Family Page Manage
[] PAGE Attach Page
[] PAGE NoWorkPage
[] Taster view himself data test session
[] Product Version UC Edit Global Attach
[] Product Version Edit Global Attach
[] PAGE Translator EDIT description resource
[] PAGE Translator EDIT resource
[] Translator DELETE resource
[] Family UC_Control Disable-Delete
[] Family UC Edit GLobal Attach
[] Family UC Edit Local Attach
[] Product UC Edit Global Attach
[] Product UC Edit Local Attach
[] Session Test Save Data
[] PAGE Document Navigator Page
[] PAGE Project
[] Administration Training Manage for user
[] PAGE Training manage User
[] Test Session Add from UC_TEST
[] PAGE Quick Add Session from Test
[] PAGE Quick Add Product to test
[] PAGE Broadcast Message
[] ADMINISTRATION Add Descriptor to Test
[] PAGE manage justify type
[] PAGE Justify Taster
[] PAGE Self Manage Allergen / Ethict etc..
[] PAGE Self Manage Preference Product
[] PAGE editResourceresource.aspx
[] PAGE Resource Resource Save Translate
[] No CID / No PAY
[] PAGE Training Manage Classroom
[] Show min taster in edit session


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